HomeGamesImproving Memory by Playing Games

Improving Memory by Playing Games

The activity of playing games or games that use devices such as smartphones or computers always gets a bad impression because playing games themselves sometimes wastes time and has no benefits at all, so people who play tend to get addicted and will interfere with their productivity such as studying, working and going to school. However, a study assesses that in fact playing games that have been portioned will certainly bring good benefits to brain memory, let’s discuss the details.

Games and Brain Stimulation

Training the sharpness of memory can be trained by playing games such as strategy and also problem solving such as puzzles, games of this genre can stimulate some brains to be able to work harder in solving problems, by playing thinking games the brain will be required hard to be able to remember and also share information, and also elements in the game, for example from remembering maps, mature strategies, and also combinations of buttons and shortcuts that are sometimes complicated, the activity when we play games will create cells in the brain and also neurons that are connected so that it will increase the ability of the human brain in the short-term and long-term memory sections.

Puzzle and Memory Games

Some games that are useful for improving memory are playing puzzle games such as Tetris, Sudoku number games, and also games that combine colors or boxes such as Candy Crush which are very effective in training brain memory, games such as slot online murah can also train the brain to remember a combination of patterns and images. Every time you finish playing and succeed in solving a problem. The brain will directly release a substance called dopamine which functions to form a memory, with that the more you play games that sharpen your memory such as puzzles and riddles, the more your memory will sharpen.

Strategy and Problem Solving Games

Furthermore, strategy games can also train memory, such as Age of Empires, Starcraft and also Clash of Clans, where strategy games that are not only long to play also require players to be able to plan a strategy several steps ahead and make decisions quickly, in addition to making players think critically, brainpower is also forced to remember every strategy that will be designed, this is an ability to be able to store and also be able to manipulate information in the mind for a short period of time, this activity is the same as us exercising which will make it sharper and more responsive.

Games that are not just for entertainment

In this digital era and the speed of technological development, brain-sharpening games are also increasingly popular among the public. Although this game may seem simple and only relies on ingenuity, there are certain elements that can train memory. For example, remembering winning patterns, special symbols, and bonuses offered can help train the brain to remember and recognize patterns.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Latest technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have opened up a new way in the world of gaming. VR and AR-based games require players to interact with a very realistic virtual environment. This is not only fun but can also improve spatial abilities and a number of memories in the brain. Research also mentions and shows that playing VR games can improve navigation skills and spatial memory, which are very useful in everyday life.

Games and Neuroplasticity

One of the interesting concepts in the concept of neuroscience is neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to change and adapt throughout life. Playing games regularly can stimulate this neuroplasticity. When you learn and master a new game, your brain creates new pathways and strengthens existing pathways. This is similar to the process of learning new things like a new language or skill, which can improve memory and cognitive function can improve overall.


Playing games is not always about entertainment alone. By choosing the right type of game, you can improve your memory and other cognitive abilities. From puzzle games that train problem solving, strategy games that stimulate critical thinking, to games that train pattern memory, all can provide benefits for your brain. So, don’t hesitate to play games, as long as it remains within healthy and balanced limits.

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